
"Healthy mind resides in a healthy body"
To make education productive it becomes the moral duty of the school to ascertain that the students and staff members are physically and mentally fit.
At The CT Public School the wellbeing of staff and students is of greatimportance. We provide direct nursing services to students and staff members to maximize health and wellness in the school. The school infirmary is fully equipped with medical facilities to cater to the health needs of children while in school.
A trained and qualified full-time nurse is available to manage and assess any health issues that may arise during school hours. She attends to students who are injured or who become ill while at school, administers first-aid and other emergency nursing measures and arranges for medical attention where the circumstances indicate. She also confers with teachers, learners and parents regarding management of identified health problems and initiates various screening activities to ascertain the health appraisal of students. She alsosecures and carries out medically approved written instructions for care of sick and injured learners.